
Inpatient Rehab

At Recovery Wellness Centre, we offer inpatient treatment for alcohol and drug addiction. Our approach starts with understanding your unique situation, including your medical and mental health, as well as your substance use history. We create a personalized plan for your recovery.  If you're comfortable with it, we can involve your family and any current professionals in your care to tackle all aspects of your addiction.

Our team, covering various specialties, works together to develop a holistic plan for your recovery, addressing both physical and mental health.  The first step is detox, where we help your body clear out the harmful substances. Our medical team will support you through this, providing care and medication to ease any discomfort or cravings. You'll be closely monitored during this phase.  After detox, when you're ready, you'll move on to participate in our rehab programming and activities, taking further steps towards recovery.